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North Bristol


‘As Bristol placements these hospitals are great. Teaching is very good, though the hospital feels a little more rushed than others. There are more dramatic cases though– which always adds points!’


Travelling from Bristol city centre:
Cycling takes about 20mins – simply go all the way up Gloucester Road (if coming from Cotham) or Coldharbour Road (from Redland). There is secure parking for bikes.

Buses are regular and can be used easily. The 54 comes up Whiteladies Road, while the 76 takes Gloucester Road. The 1 and 2 are also helpful buses!

Car parking is subsidised to £2 per day. You’ll need to get a scratchcard from the medical undergraduate office.


Common Rooms
The biggest and best is in Southmead, though both have a small kitchen, lockers, pool table and a computer room. Perfect for perfecting your tea making skills if you’re doing psychiatry.

There is a main canteen, and a number of smaller shops and cafes. The food is fairly standard, but the NHS discount always helps!


This is a great place for MDEMO with lots of clinics and surgeries taking place throughout the week. Orthopods like you to know a little bit about the surgeries before you attend– they ask lots of questions during it!


Junior Med Surg
You’ll meet many a legendary consultant in these topics who just exude enthusiasm for their specialities. A&E weeks are over in Frenchay where you will do some of your emergency on take sessions– it’s a bigger hospital so if you hang around on a Friday evening, you’re sure to get some good cases. A good hospital for clerking too as the turnover is quite quick.


For this placement students are either based at Callington Road (usually need a car to get to) or the psychiatric units at Southmead (based next to the maternity units…). The junior doctors are all exceptional and all willing to give extra teaching sessions if you ask, which is fantastic just before the exam, which is actually quite difficult! The junior doctors room in Southmead is the place to go to get to know them (and grab free lunches by the drug reps on Tuesdays!)

Make sure you try to go to various wards to see different cases—its easy to think you have to stay on the ward your consultant is attached to, but this will make it duller for you! Clerking patients is not a requirement, though it really helps you develop your history taking skills! Prepare yourself for 6 cups of tea a day on this placement– it’s amazing how much more people tell you with a cuppa in hand!
Sian Williams is an old age consultant and one you should try to find– loves to teach (she gave us our own hallucination session) and is one of the happiest consultants around!

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