Academic Societies
Anaesthetics & Critical Care
President: Peter Moore
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University of Bristol Anaesthetics and Critical Care society (UBSACC) aims to promote the fields of anaesthetics and critical care by:
enabling interested students to hear from doctors already in the field,
raising the profile of relevant SSC project options
and facilitating teaching of key clinical skills.
President: Rosie Hughes
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To help students in understand what is involved in the specialty of Cardiology and to stimulate interest in pursuing this specialty as a career.’
Cardiology remains one of the largest specialties in hospital medicine and one of the most competitive ST3 jobs to apply for. As such, we believe it is important that Bristol students have Cardiology represented within the many academic societies offered by Galenicals. In Bristol we are fortunate enough to study near ones of the country’s finest Cardiology units, the Bristol Heart Institute. Therefore, Bristol students could easily benefit from teaching and advice from the Cardiologists who work there. We are responsible for running events pertinent to the field of Cardiology and running talks, teaching, events, fundraising etc.
Bristol University Emergency
Medicine Society (BUEMS)
President: Jonathan Hall
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Thinking of a career in Emergency Medicine, Acute Medicine or Pre-Hospital Care, or are you just interested in learning key medical skills that will be valuable to any junior doctor? We are a large society that organise a variety of exciting and informative evening lectures, practical skills workshops, sim and clinical experiences in the fields of Emergency and Pre-Hospital Medicine, Acute medicine, Intensive Care and Anaesthetics.
Bristol Medical Ethics
& Law Society
President: Katherine Murdoch
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Ethics and law in medicine is one of the six vertical themes of the medical school. The BMA recognises that doctors will encounter difficult ethical situations daily and makes it requirement that doctors should be up to date with the law, which concerns practice. The society aims to support and inspire interest in this area. We aim to hold revision sessions for year one, invite interesting speakers throughout the year and keep you to date with ethical and legal news.
Bristol GPSOC
President: Hannah Niesser
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GPSOC is an active society that aims to showcase all the opportunities provided by a career in primary care through a wide variety of events involving inspirational GPs. Our events aim to inspire students and facilitate opportunities to meet and network with local general practitioners, as well as providing a chance to practice and develop clinical skills at our workshops. We are an official Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)-affiliated society. Last year we held the first ever South West RCGP Student GPSOC Conference with over 100 delegates from Bristol, Cardiff, Swansea, Exeter and Plymouth medical schools. So if you’re set on general practice, unsure or just curious, join our society and take advantage of all the opportunities we have to offer—it’s set to be great year!
Presidents: Lauren Jackson
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We hope to open your eyes to the opportunities that exploring a career in Haematology offers, from playing detective in the lab to being with a palliative cancer patient, or advising on blood products to give in a haemorrhaging patient. Despite being known as a rather specialised speciality, much of Haematology is very relevant to whatever speciality you choose. We also hope that our events will also encourage thought about if Haematology could be right for you.
University of Bristol MedTech
Presidents: Drasthi Kewada
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We at Bristol MedTech believe that medical students are uniquely poised to tackle the many challenges facing healthcare and medical education and we want to provide you with a platform that will enable you to develop your innovation and entrepreneurial skills. Through high quality events such as lectures, workshops, hackathons and conferences you will have the opportunity to expand your network while being empowered to create solutions and effect change.
Bristol University Neuro Society
Presidents: Dom Mahoney
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The Bristol University Neuro Society is a fantastic forum to keep in touch with all things ‘Neuro’. Our society focuses mainly on careers in Neurology and Neurosurgery, with our main aim being to provide you with opportunities to learn more about these specialities and to gain an inspirational insight into these fascinating areas of medicine. We host an annual conference, teaching in neurology and neuroanatomy and regular updates on opportunities available beyond Bristol. Our society is free to join - add your name to our mailing list at Medics Fresh.
Bristol Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Society (BOGS)
Presidents: Amelia Atkinson
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Spanning from the time before conception to our last breath obstetrics and gynaecology is a specialty deserving of a platform of it’s own within the university! Whether you’re interest lies in medicine or surgery, the intimacy of the one-to-one consultation or the adrenaline rush of the emergency room this specialty has something for you. We want to further the interest in obstetrics and gynaecology by providing talks, debates, documentary viewings, career evenings, links to the university and of course socials.
Bristol University Trauma &
Orthopaedics Society
Presidents: Elizabeth Dominguez
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Bristol University Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Society was founded in 2015. We are a student-led society with input from students across all years. Our primary aim is to assist students at the University of Bristol in exploring and fostering their interest in Trauma & Orthopaedic surgery. Our most notable events include our annual National Research and Innovation in Orthopaedics Conference (RIOC) and our MDEMO Mock OSCE & Revision Day which will now be replaced by our Regional OSCE Teaching events. A lifetime membership with us gives you access to our Members Only site at where you can learn more about Research & Audit opportunities as well as how to build a top-scoring portfolio (relevant in most specialities).
One Health Bristol
Presidents: Chelsie Bailey
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The One Health initiative is a growing strategy across the globe which aims to expand connections between health, medical, veterinary, scientific and environmental related disciplines. It aims to share knowledge, experience and research to improve care for humans, animals and the environment. We run a number of talks throughout the year on a variety of subjects from zoonoses to the correlation between animal and human abuse and also socials to encourage communication both between the health sciences and beyond.
Bristol University Medics
Paediatric Society (BUMPS)
Presidents: Ashley Yonga
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Bristol Univeristy Medics Paediatric Society (BUMPS) encourages medics to develop their interest in paediatrics. Whether you are set on the speciality or simply have a slight interest in it, you are warmly welcome to come and join our society. We host lots of events to allow you to see what a career in paediatrics is like, as well as getting the opportunity to spend time with children by promoting different volunteering schemes. For a first year medic, the idea of deciding on a career may seem far away so we offer many fun events as well as educational talks that will interest both budding paediatricians as well as medics just wanting to volunteer more of their time caring for children who need and value it. Some of the events we have offered in the past and will continue to offer as well as many new ones are: > Teddy Bear Hospital > Career talks > Volunteering with Children’s charities such as Teenage Cancer Trust > Radio Lollipop at the Children’s hospital > Charity Pub Quiz
Palliative Medicine Society
Presidents: Ella McDermott
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Welcome to UOB's first ever Palliative Medicine Society! Our aim is to educate and enlighten those interested in palliative care and highlight the issues (and potential solutions) surrounding death and dying. We hope to start conversations that will empower medical students to feel more comfortable discussing death, dying and terminal illness with their patients, families and collegues.
Plastics Society
Presidents: Toni Mihailidis
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Ever thought Plastics was just about those glamorous aesthetics? Think again! Plastic surgery is awarded very little attention in the Bristol Medical School undergraduate syllabus. Depending on which academy you are placed, you will receive more or less exposure to the speciality, with most receiving none. Thus, the purpose of the newly established UoB Plastics Soc is to ensure equal and fair exposure to Plastic Surgery to all students across all academies to raise awareness of Plastic Surgery as an extremely fascinating, varied, and rewarding career choice. Throughout the year, we’ll hold a local surgical conference, talks and lectures on plastic surgery (including career advice), as well as some surgical workshops! New committee members are still being recruited: if you’re interested in Plastic Surgery or surgery in general and want to get involved, we’d love to hear from you! Email
Bristol University Psychiatry
Society (PsychSoc)
Presidents: Christiane Thorburn
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At Psych Soc, we keep our members in mind. Our aims are:
To give students with an interest in Psychiatry and/or mental health, the opportunity to learn more about it
To promote Psychiatry as a future career
To increase mental health awareness across the university
We hold a variety of events across the year, including talks, guest appearances, panel discussions, film nights and revision sessions. Expect fascinating events about the mind and mental illness, as well as drinks and nibbles with leaders in the field. We’re here for career advice, connections and further information about anything related to Psychiatry and mental health.
Renal & Endocrine Society (REMS)
Presidents: Olivia Dunscombe
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The Renal & Endocrine society exists to enable Medical Students to access reliable information & training in the clinical practice, research and physiology of Endocrinology and Nephrology. Our events help you to explore these career specialties (and their role in other medical & surgical specialties), revise the key concepts for your exams and keep you up-to-date with emerging research in these fields. Above all, our events aim to inspire and engage you as you study Medicine and as you search to find a career that best suits you!
Bristol Research & Education
Society (B-RES)
Presidents: Violetta Pyc
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Interested in scientific research and pursuing a career in academic medicine? B-RES is the lead society that organizes workshops and presentations to promote current research, recent scientific advances, and life as an academic clinician. We are proud to be working in collaboration with INSPIRE and the National Student Association of Academic Medicine, which will give students involved with the society the chance to present their own research and gain networking opportunities. For more information look up our Facebook page:
Simulation Society
Presidents: Chelsea Herbert
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Want to put your skills to the test?
Want to experience what it's really like to be a doctor?
Want to not kill someone if things go wrong?
Come join Simulation Society to gain essential hands on, useful skills whilst also improving your communication, time management, and judgement. With our latest mannequins you can be sure to get stuck into a variety of acute scenarios.
University of Bristol Sports &
Exercise Medicine (UoBSEM)
Presidents: George Cahill
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Thinking about a career in Sports & Exercise Medicine or just interested in sports? Ever wondered how the medical profession is involved in looking after our greatest football, rugby and athletics stars? Want to know how you can improve the fitness and health of you and your patients? Then this is the society for you! It has been set up for all to find out more about this career path and will include fun and informative events throughout the year with specialist guest speakers and practical opportunities. Members will learn where a life in SEM can lead you, how sports and exercise influences the health of our patients and how to pursue an career in SEM. It is also a great chance to gain contacts in SEM and we can help facilitate work experience opportunities for members. UoBSEMS allows you to meet like minded and sports-interested people, suitable for pre-clinical and clinical students alike. So, if you feel like joining a fun and social society this year with a chance to do something different within medicine, give UoBSEMS a go!
University of Bristol Surgical
Society (SCRUBS)
Presidents: Aadil Hakim
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Are you interested in surgery? Would you like to learn fun practical skills, find out about surgery as a career and meet top surgeons in a friendly and relaxed environment? We are here for you! SCRUBS is the undergraduate surgical society at Bristol medical school and we exist to put on great events which will inform and inspire the next generation of surgeons. Coming up this year are a packed Surgical Skills Day, the National Conference for Aspiring Surgeons held in partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, regular suturing workshops and more. We are an open, welcoming and friendly society and we look forward to meeting you. Whether you’re already keen on surgery or if you’re just curious and would like to learn more then sign up to get all the information you need! Meet us at the Fresher’s Fair & Sign up for special info!
Bristol Surgical Careers Society
Presidents: Harry Robertson & Ivo Suchett-Kaye
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Although applying to core surgical training (CST) may feel like a long way away, it will come around extremely quickly! Applying to CST is a competitive process which awards points based on different aspects of your application. We will run a series of workshops during the year which will provide information and opportunities for teaching/audit/presentations/research all with a view towards building a competitive portfolio for application to CST!